Nicola Law (Making Rube Goldberg Machine)

Nicola Law
(Making Rube Goldberg Machine)


I am a current doctoral student in Instructional Technology and Media program at Teachers Colleges, Columbia University. My research interests lie in the interaction of Human Computer/Robot Interaction, Psychology and Learning - harnessing the expansive capacities of technology for understanding and transforming psychological responses, learning outcomes and social impacts. I value being able to roll up my sleeves, collaborate with different minds and work on human problems. 

I believe research is beyond understanding people;
research is a vehicle - giving people the voices & agency and allowing them to feel empowered, again.


Ed.D Student, Instructional Technology and Media | Teachers College, Columbia University

M.S. Applied Statistics | Teachers College, Columbia University

M.A. Communication Education | Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A. Media Studies, minor in International Studies | The Pennsylvania State University




As a mixed-method researcher, I focus on human-centered research and place problems in context to people's life and environment. I deliver rigorous quantitative and qualitative research with the most frequently used methods are experimental design methods, surveys, and interviews (one-on-one and semi-structured). I chose the most appropriate methods based on the research questions, scopes, and aims of the projects. The following list contains my commonly used research methods.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design





Logged Data Analysis

Logged Data Analysis

Quantitative & Qualitative  Content Analysis

Quantitative & Qualitative
Content Analysis

Virtual Ethnography

Virtual Ethnography

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Participatory Design

Participatory Design

A | B Testing

A | B Testing

Journey Mapping

Journey Mapping


UX Researcher | Cellist | Bookworm | Amateur Film Maker |
Dog Lover | Stationery Addict | Bubble Tea Enthusiast | Kitchen Disaster


Though I am genuinely curious about researching the relationship between humans and technology, I often find myself drenched in the creative world, with (a lot of) sweets and (milk)tea. The spare time spent on music, books, and films inspires me to see the world through various lenses that shape my work's interdisciplinary nature.
Did I mention I am a Harry Potter fan, and my Patronus is a Shiba Inu?


If you want to know more about my work, you can connect me via any social links or submit the form below. Or, if you are in New York City, I would love to introduce you the best Bubble Tea in NYC. Looking forward to talk!